Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

is a therapy that uses your own cells to quickly heal and repair. It has been used by plastic and facial surgeons for more that 20 years. The growth factors in PRP have been shown to help improve skin tone, reduce acne scarring, and to even thicken and regrow hair. PRP is a small portion of the blood that is composed of a high concentration of platelets, which have the ability to help the body heal itself.

Platelet Rich Plasma has been used in facial rejuvenation around the world since 2006. The treatment is ideal for individuals looking for gradual but noticeable improvement in skin texture, tone and color with minimal or no downtime. This revolutionary natural procedure offers incredible skin rejuvenation. Platelets in your blood contain numerous Platelet Derived Growth Factors (PDGF). These growth factors stimulate proliferation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes which produce collagen and keratin. PDGF have a significant role in blood vessel formation, the cellular division of fibroblasts (the most common cells in connective tissue), and in synthesizing the extracellular matrix and collagen. Collagen production has been attributed to helping correct the visible effects of wrinkles.